The sources of philosophy
A dialogue between Peter the hawk and Davina the goose. Peter believes that animals are equal to humans and that mutual aid is necessary. Davina is a frequent traveler who says knowledge and morals are learned with experience.
Davina: Peter, I am coming today outside of our usual hours because I have great news for us.
Peter: what is it, Davina?
Davina: I just received an offer from a radio station where I have contacts. They are interested in our show and they would like us to do it at their place. We would be taken care of for food and accommodation and we would have a much larger audience.
Peter: that’s amazing! How did you find that ?
Davina: I meet a lot of different animals on my travels and some have very interesting lives like this team that broadcasts news all over the east coast
Peter: so we weren’t the only ones having a radio show!
Davina: no, but the only ones doing the kind of show we do.
Peter: that once again proves that destiny sometimes takes very mysterious paths. What do you think ? Don’t you mind leaving the domain?
Davina: I will miss my friends here but I am a migratory bird so the thought of going somewhere else to do something I love attracts me. It may be that what we did here was only the prelude to what we are going to do there even if we did not know it at the time. Besides, Aurelius, Socrates, Emilies and Baruch are going to leave too, it’s as if fate had decided to alter the fabric of the domain …
Peter: yes, all of that is strange, I agree. It also wakes up the migrant in me but I still have to get used to the idea of leaving. In fact, it would be interesting to think a little more about these sudden changes but shouldn’t we instead think about broadcasting something special to celebrate the wedding of Socrates and Baguette?
Davina: yes, of course, we have to share their happiness, this will make them even happier. For the occasion, I thought about a charming story that will remind us that the world is beautiful and that even humans have qualities.
Peter: a tour de force it seems! Where was that?
Davina: in Canada. A policeman paid for the clothes a man wanted to steal.
Peter: instead of arresting him?
Davina: yes, that’s right. The thief was a man without resources or employment. He wanted to be well dressed to go to a job interview and that’s what he told the police officer who came to arrest him. Luckily, this policeman had a heart.
Peter: so the interview went well?
Davina: yes, the man was hired!
Peter: you are right, this is a story that will end our shows perfectly .
Davina: wait, it’s not over; this man’s family was in dire financial straits so some friends of the policeman found a job for his father.
Peter: policemen like that, we need more of them!
Davina: it’s probably that they seldom have the opportunity to be generous.
Peter: yes, you are right, but it also proves that when the opportunity arises, people do not hesitate to help others. Could we say they are good after all?
Davina: well, to please others is also to please oneself. It is an innate tendency which favors the life of the group and therefore its survival.
Peter: in any case, it doesn’t always come naturally, you have to experience it to understand it. But for now, I will not comment this story anymore. Sometimes it’s best to be silent.
Davina: indeed, when you are happy, there is nothing to say.
Peter: that’s why at Socrates ‘wedding, we will not philosophize but celebrate with enthusiasm.
Davina: I don’t doubt it, Peter, I don’t doubt it.
Should we always philosophize?
In this dialogue, neither Peter nor Davina philosophizes much and this is what happens most of the time in everyday life. Each event can be an opportunity for reflections on the meaning of the world, but this is not always necessary. Thus, the first part of their dialogue could have allowed them to discuss how chance encounters generate important transformations, an idea already explored in the dialogue 35. The second part could have been an opportunity to talk about empathy , this capacity which allows us to share the feelings of others by reference to our own experiences. However, as they say, what’s the point of philosophizing when you’re happy?
Does this mean that philosophy only appears in difficult times? These moments are often at the origin of many existential questions as evidenced by reading the biographies of most philosophers. Philosophical reflection tries to provide explanations that allow those who practice it to better understand the world, on condition of course that they have the time and the desire to devote themselves to this research …
Possible discussions
Is philosophy a help or a burden ?
Does wisdom bring happiness ?
Want to think a little more? See, for example, What is philosophy? where Deleuze and Guattari explain that philosophy creates concepts that allow us to better understand the world and answer the questions it asks us.
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Want to know more about the tastes of Peter and Davina? Their favorite books are in the domain library.